Search for a Business or Commercial Property for sale in Michigan (MI).
Business Owners - Agents - Advertise a Business, Franchises, or any Commercial or Retail Property for sale with photos, floor plans, maps. offers Michigan business owners and agents the ability to offer franchises, or advertise businesses for sale, including Businesses for sale Michigan, or anywhere in the USA. Commercial property for sale in Michigan, and any other U.S.A. location, may also be advertised. Sell a business, a large or small commercial property, online, and reach thousands of possible buyers directly.
Buyers can browse through numerous contrasting sale opportunities to choose Businesses for sale in Michigan that are optimal for you. Commercial property for sale Michigan may be advertised with / without a current business and may be available and adaptable for varied uses.
Anyone considering entering business for themselves should at least study active businesses for sale, rather than building a fresh company from the ground up. There are several persuasive reasons to buy an active Michigan commercial business rather than beginning one from scratch.
Buy / Sell Michigan Businesses, Franchise, or Businesses / Commercial properties for other States HERE
Billboard marketing, farms, landfills, mills, and other special purpose type businesses for sale. Starting up a new business can be risky, but buying an established business gives you a secure foundation to improve upon. Purchasing a business and becoming a business-owner takes a lot of preparation, diligence, people skills, the ability to strategized & plan, and a willingness to evolve to keep up with consumer and market trends.
Service related companies may include cleaning services (janitorial, maid service, carpet cleaners), tailors & seamstresses, legal consultants, financial managers, realtors, property management, PR management, web design, market analysts, employment services, voice-over services, copy writers, medical billing, accounting, billing, HR & tax services, personal trainers and many more. Some businesses may not come with premises or property and can be operated from the privacy of your own home, just as long as zoning laws permit in your neighborhood or township.
Businesses available may include, Machinery, Transportation, Warehousing, Build to suit, Swaps, Part Exchange Buildings, Real Estate,